ePromoter 2.0

Is it possible for your product to connect with your customer on its own? Just imagine the possibility of assisting any client interested in your product, without the help of an on-site promoter. All you need to o is to put an NFC tag or a QR code on your product to easily connect the customer with your product advisors. If you prefer, you can place a point of sale equipped with our technology, that will detect an approaching customer and initiate the call on its own.


The customer doesn’t have to wait in line to get the assistance they need. They can initiate the call with your product advisor by simply hovering their phone over the NFC sticker.


After reading our NFC tag or QR code or simply typing the link in their mobile browser, the customer will be redirected to a call with your representative. They do not need to download any apps and if all of the agents are busy, the customer will wait in your customized lobby - watching the content you choose (e.g. a product promo)


After the call starts, the customer engages in a conversation with the advisor, who can answer all of the customer’s questions. The product is always in the front and center. Your representative can showcase the product, present how to use it, discuss key features or even help the customer choose financing options. The advisor has all the tools to resolve any doubts the buyer may have and close the sale.


Całe połączenie odbywa się bez barier technologicznych dla klienta. To doradca korzystający z funkcji instapos.live steruje rozmową i w razie potrzeby wywołuje na urządzeniu klienta komunikaty. Łatwo można poprosić o zdjęcie, przesłać kalkulacje, a ocena spotkania wywołuje się na ekranie klienta sama po jego zakończeniu i jest dostępna w systemie CRM wraz z analityką a nawet nagraniem spotkania.

The entire process is designed to avoid any technological barriers on the customer’s side. Your advisor is always in charge of the conversation, controlling what is presented, sharing materials with, or requesting input from the buyer. The call can be rated by the customer and the details (including the chat transcript or the recording) will be visible in our CRM



  • ePromoter can be in many places at once - answering calls from different stationery stores or from online ads - depending on your needs

  • significant increase in cost efficiency over traditional on-site promoter model

  • greatly increased reach of the promoter - ePromoter can be also deployed to low traffic stores, where clients also need sales support


If NFC or QR stickers are not the best fit for you, Instapos.live can also be deployed via dedicated info stands or points of sale. The system will detect the approaching customer and initiate a call on its own. When the customer approaches the stand, PoS, or instapos-enabled store shelf, they can be instantly connected with your sales advisor ready to close the sale here and now.


  • The sales advisor can be proactive and engage anyone who approaches the stand.

  • ePromoter can be in many places at once - answering calls from different stationery stores or from online ads - depending on your needs

  • significant increase in cost efficiency over traditional on-site promoter model

  • greatly increased reach of the promoter - ePromoter can be also deployed to low traffic stores, where clients also need sales support